Let’s look at the airway dataset as an example of a typical small-scale RNA-Seq experiment. In this experiment, four Airway Smooth Muscle (ASM) cell lines are treated with the asthma medication dexamethasone.


## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 64102 8 
## metadata(1): ''
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(64102): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... LRG_98 LRG_99
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(8): SRR1039508 SRR1039509 ... SRR1039520 SRR1039521
## colData names(9): SampleName cell ... Sample BioSample

Initial processing

Initial steps are the same as for a differential expression analysis.

counts <- assay(airway,"counts")

# Keep genes with an average of at least 1 read per sample
good <- rowMeans(counts) >= 1 
## good
## 40931 23171
airway_lcpm <- 
    DGEList(counts[good,]) %>%
    calcNormFactors() %>%
    cpm(log=TRUE, prior.count=1)

Conversion to weitrix

airway_weitrix <- as_weitrix(airway_lcpm)

# Include row and column information
colData(airway_weitrix) <- colData(airway)
rowData(airway_weitrix) <- 

rowData(airway_weitrix)$mean_lcpm <- rowMeans(airway_lcpm)

## class: SummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 23171 8 
## metadata(1): weitrix
## assays(2): x weights
## rownames(23171): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000419 ... ENSG00000273487
##   ENSG00000273488
## rowData names(3): gene_name gene_biotype mean_lcpm
## colnames(8): SRR1039508 SRR1039509 ... SRR1039520 SRR1039521
## colData names(9): SampleName cell ... Sample BioSample


Find components of variation

This will find various numbers of components, from 1 to 6. In each case, the components discovered have varimax rotation applied to their gene loadings to aid interpretability. The result is a list of Components objects.

comp_seq <- weitrix_components_seq(airway_weitrix, p=6)
## [[1]]
## Components are: (Intercept), C1 
## $row :  23171 x 2 matrix
## $col :  8 x 2 matrix
## $R2  :  0.2584425 
## [[2]]
## Components are: (Intercept), C1, C2 
## $row :  23171 x 3 matrix
## $col :  8 x 3 matrix
## $R2  :  0.4698357 
## [[3]]
## Components are: (Intercept), C1, C2, C3 
## $row :  23171 x 4 matrix
## $col :  8 x 4 matrix
## $R2  :  0.6423717 
## [[4]]
## Components are: (Intercept), C1, C2, C3, C4 
## $row :  23171 x 5 matrix
## $col :  8 x 5 matrix
## $R2  :  0.7915268 
## [[5]]
## Components are: (Intercept), C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 
## $row :  23171 x 6 matrix
## $col :  8 x 6 matrix
## $R2  :  0.866735 
## [[6]]
## Components are: (Intercept), C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 
## $row :  23171 x 7 matrix
## $col :  8 x 7 matrix
## $R2  :  0.9355531
rand_weitrix <- weitrix_randomize(airway_weitrix)
rand_comp <- weitrix_components(rand_weitrix, p=1)

components_seq_screeplot(comp_seq, rand_comp)

Examining components

Up to 4 components may be justified.

comp <- comp_seq[[4]]

comp$col[,-1] %>% melt(varnames=c("Run","component")) %>%
    left_join(as.data.frame(colData(airway)), by="Run") %>%
    ggplot(aes(y=cell, x=value, color=dex)) + 
    geom_vline(xintercept=0) + 
    geom_point(alpha=0.5, size=3) + 
    facet_grid(~ component) +
    labs(title="Sample scores for each component", x="Sample score", y="Cell line", color="Treatment")

comp$row[,-1] %>% melt(varnames=c("name","component")) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=comp$row[name,"(Intercept)"], y=value)) + 
    geom_point(cex=0.5, alpha=0.5) + 
    facet_wrap(~ component) +
    labs(title="Gene loadings for each component vs average log2 RPM", x="average log2 RPM", y="gene loading")

Without varimax rotation, components may be harder to interpret

If varimax rotation isn’t used, weitrix_components and weitrix_components_seq will produce a Principal Components Analysis, with components ordered from most to least variance explained.

Without varimax rotation the treatment effect is still mostly in the first component, but has also leaked a small amount into the other components.

comp_nonvarimax <- weitrix_components(airway_weitrix, p=4, use_varimax=FALSE)

comp_nonvarimax$col[,-1] %>% melt(varnames=c("Run","component")) %>%
    left_join(as.data.frame(colData(airway)), by="Run") %>%
    ggplot(aes(y=cell, x=value, color=dex)) + 
    geom_vline(xintercept=0) + 
    geom_point(alpha=0.5, size=3) + 
    facet_grid(~ component) +
    labs(title="Sample scores for each component, no varimax rotation", x="Sample score", y="Cell line", color="Treatment")

col can potentially be used as a design matrix with limma

  • If you are willing to place your trust in sparsity of effects, this may be a somewhat magical way of removing unwanted variation.

  • If you’re not sure of the experimental design, for example the exact timing of a time series or how evenly a drug treatment was applied, the extracted component might actually be more accurate.

Note that this ignores uncertainty about the col matrix itself.

This may be useful for hypothesis generation – finding some potentially interesting genes, while discounting noisy or lowly expressed genes – but don’t use it as proof of significance.

airway_cal <- weitrix_calibrate_trend(airway_weitrix, comp, ~splines::ns(mean_lcpm,3))

rowData(airway_cal) %>% as.data.frame() %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=mean_lcpm)) +
    geom_point(aes(y=dispersion_before^0.25), size=0.1) +
    geom_point(aes(y=dispersion_trend^0.25), size=0.1, color="red") +
    labs(x="Mean log2 RPM", y="sqrt( Standard deviation )")

airway_elist <- weitrix_elist(airway_cal)

fit <- 
    lmFit(airway_elist, comp$col) %>% 

## [1] 7.126632
## [1] 0.6655365
topTable(fit, "C1")
##                 gene_name   gene_biotype mean_lcpm dispersion_before
## ENSG00000101347    SAMHD1 protein_coding  8.134279       0.003891762
## ENSG00000179094      PER1 protein_coding  4.421867       0.001574842
## ENSG00000178695    KCTD12 protein_coding  6.450973       0.004614438
## ENSG00000124766      SOX4 protein_coding  5.426691       0.004098745
## ENSG00000163884     KLF15 protein_coding  3.248049       0.026366143
## ENSG00000096060     FKBP5 protein_coding  5.780916       0.062948554
## ENSG00000162692     VCAM1 protein_coding  3.575005       0.017149286
## ENSG00000138316  ADAMTS14 protein_coding  4.704289       0.005960254
## ENSG00000189221      MAOA protein_coding  5.950311       0.044149345
## ENSG00000139132      FGD4 protein_coding  5.415156       0.005093694
##                 dispersion_trend dispersion_after     logFC  AveExpr         t
## ENSG00000101347       0.01721555       0.22606085  6.255818 8.134279  56.17414
## ENSG00000179094       0.02237273       0.07039114  5.231899 4.421867  43.10960
## ENSG00000178695       0.01604936       0.28751540 -4.201354 6.450973 -38.42477
## ENSG00000124766       0.01780661       0.23018107 -4.053501 5.426691 -35.74850
## ENSG00000163884       0.03478772       0.75791514  7.404889 3.248049  41.11476
## ENSG00000096060       0.01694075       3.71580756  6.637774 5.780916  35.09532
## ENSG00000162692       0.03020135       0.56783174 -6.192439 3.575005 -38.49876
## ENSG00000138316       0.02070066       0.28792583 -4.254018 4.704289 -34.25394
## ENSG00000189221       0.01662975       2.65484115  5.471656 5.950311  32.65172
## ENSG00000139132       0.01784014       0.28551866  3.654105 5.415156  31.71501
##                      P.Value    adj.P.Val        B
## ENSG00000101347 5.703137e-14 1.321474e-09 20.92604
## ENSG00000179094 8.237520e-13 9.543579e-09 18.77160
## ENSG00000178695 2.623751e-12 1.215899e-08 18.38667
## ENSG00000124766 5.423673e-12 2.094532e-08 17.70294
## ENSG00000163884 1.327630e-12 1.025417e-08 17.61658
## ENSG00000096060 6.528277e-12 2.160953e-08 17.59993
## ENSG00000162692 2.573447e-12 1.215899e-08 17.50448
## ENSG00000138316 8.331085e-12 2.412995e-08 17.20769
## ENSG00000189221 1.347862e-11 3.470144e-08 17.00946
## ENSG00000139132 1.805178e-11 4.182779e-08 16.70903
all_top <- topTable(fit, "C1", n=Inf, sort.by="none")
plotMD(fit, "C1", status=all_top$adj.P.Val <= 0.01)

You might also consider using my topconfects package. This will find the largest confident effect sizes, while still correcting for multiple testing.

limma_confects(fit, "C1")
## $table
##  rank index confect effect    AveExpr    name            gene_name    
##   1   12120  6.968  11.506653 -0.9495193 ENSG00000179593 ALOX15B      
##   2    9499  5.925   7.404889  3.2480486 ENSG00000163884 KLF15        
##   3    3272  5.896  11.655103  1.4890296 ENSG00000109906 ZBTB16       
##   4    2230  5.410   6.255818  8.1342789 ENSG00000101347 SAMHD1       
##   5    8175  5.408   7.483462  4.1705059 ENSG00000152583 SPARCL1      
##   6    1836  5.267   6.637774  5.7809158 ENSG00000096060 FKBP5        
##   7    9220 -5.047  -6.192439  3.5750054 ENSG00000162692 VCAM1        
##   8    5156  4.567   8.488366  1.6752492 ENSG00000127954 STEAP4       
##   9   10420  4.567   8.042925  0.9298793 ENSG00000168309 FAM107A      
##  10   19752  4.567   9.229434 -0.4883206 ENSG00000250978 RP11-357D18.1
##  gene_biotype         mean_lcpm  dispersion_before dispersion_trend
##  protein_coding       -0.9495193 0.142315693       0.32508630      
##  protein_coding        3.2480486 0.026366143       0.03478772      
##  protein_coding        1.4890296 1.213772655       0.08708543      
##  protein_coding        8.1342789 0.003891762       0.01721555      
##  protein_coding        4.1705059 0.158849347       0.02419826      
##  protein_coding        5.7809158 0.062948554       0.01694075      
##  protein_coding        3.5750054 0.017149286       0.03020135      
##  protein_coding        1.6752492 0.671533889       0.07840854      
##  protein_coding        0.9298793 0.447274209       0.11969603      
##  processed_transcript -0.4883206 0.759195732       0.25977988      
##  dispersion_after
##   0.4377782      
##   0.7579151      
##  13.9377231      
##   0.2260608      
##   6.5644939      
##   3.7158076      
##   0.5678317      
##   8.5645506      
##   3.7367506      
##   2.9224578      
## ...
## 5227 of 23171 non-zero log2 fold change at FDR 0.05
## Prior df 7.1