Topic 183

ecology life history size traits body population species variation relationship individuals egg predator change taxa environmental reproductive larger prey than trophic effect smaller shorter habitat positively tended effects ecological habitats ecosystem fitness structured age rates females stage especially sizes patterns predators trait among variability impacts influence found mortality no rate much had fish evolutionary communities how expected increased repeatable between clear evidence nestling risk relationships negative annual strong slightly temperature males predation social across highlighting food density explanation anuran varied groups trade community higher was but climate herbivores lifetime dispersal regarding pattern measure lower explained tested breeding reflect clutches c_lio_liwe

45 items. Top items listed below.

Short-lived plants have stronger demographic responses to climate 183 86 17 5

Polyandry and senescence shape egg size variation in a precocial bird. 183 132 21 5

Quality versus quantity: The balance between egg and clutch size among Australian amphibians is related to life history and environmental conditions 183 132 5

Dispersal evolution diminishes the negative density dependence in dispersal 183 21 5

The effect of resource limitation on the temperature-dependence of mosquito population fitness 183 86 48 17 5

Optimal reproductive phenology under size-dependent cannibalism 183 132 21 5

Effect of temperature on life-history traits and mating calls of a field cricket, Acanthogryllus asiaticus 183 86 56 5

Increased population density depresses activity but does not influence emigration in the snail Pomatias elegans 183 132 17 5

High temperatures drive offspring mortality in a cooperatively breeding bird 183 86 17 5

Habitat affinity and density-dependent movement as indicators of fish habitat restoration efficacy 183 17 5

Behavioral thermal tolerance predicts distribution pattern but not habitat use in sympatric Neotropical frogs 183 86 17 5

Size- and stage-dependence in cause-specific mortality of migratory brown trout 183 155 17 5

Biogeographical and ecological factors associated with kill rates of an apex predator 183 17 5

Predator morphology affects prey consumption: evidence from an anuran population in subtropical wetlands 183 17 5

Socioeconomic variation across multiple cities predicts avian life-history strategies 183 17 5

Native perennial and non-native annual grasses shape pathogen community composition and disease severity in a California grassland 183 17 5

Optimal seasonal routines across animals and latitudes 183 132 17 5

Large home range scavengers support higher rates of carcass removal 183 17 5

Earlier springs enable High-Arctic wolf spiders to produce a second clutch 183 17 5

Clarifying the relationship between body size and extinction risk in amphibians by complete mapping of model space 183 160 84 17 5

Taxonomic, temporal, and spatial variation in the dynamics of High-Arctic arthropod populations 17 5

Maternal glucocorticoid levels during incubation predict breeding success, but not reproductive investment, in a free-ranging bird. 183 132 56 15 5

Predator complementarity dampens variability of phytoplankton biomass in a diversity-stability trophic cascade 183 17 5

Population density and temperature influence the return on maternal investment in wild house mice 132 86 5

Effects of extreme hot weather on the reproductive output of great tits (Parus major, L.) in urban and natural habitats 86 17 5

A time-lagged association between the gut microbiome, nestling growth and nestling survival in wild great tits 101 29 5

Top predator introduction changes the effects of spatial isolation on freshwater community structure 183 17 5

Relative demographic susceptibility does not explain the extinction chronology of Sahul's megafauna 183 17 5

An Innovative Setup for High-Throughput Respirometry of Small Aquatic Animals 183 21 5

Pronounced phenotypic differentiation in a wide-dispersing marine snail in response to contrasting selection pressures at a local scale 183 86 5

Fitness-related traits are maximized in recently introduced, slow-growing populations of an invasive clam: is this a response to strong r-selection? 132 21 5


Sex-specific effects of developmental density on life history and age-dependent flight traits 132 56 21 5

Interplay between the paradox of enrichment and nutrient cycling in food webs 183 17 5

Built to change: dominance strategy changes with life stage in a primitively eusocial bee 183 132 30 5

Epigenetic mediation of the onset of reproduction in a songbird 86 5

Environment and sex control lifespan and telomere length in wild-derived African killifish 183 56 5

Hierarchical fear: parental behaviour and corticosterone release mediate nestling growth in response to predation risk 183 5

Divergent density feedback control of migratory predator recovery following sex-biased perturbations 183 132 17 5

Evolution of reproductive traits have no apparent life-history associated cost in populations of Drosophila melanogaster selected for cold shock resistance 132 56 21 5

Plasticity, repeatability, and phenotypic correlations of aerobic metabolic traits in a small estuarine fish 183 86 5

The epidemiological signature of pathogen populations that vary in the relationship between free-living survival and virulence 155 21 5

Temperature variability alters the stability and thresholds for collapse of interacting species 86 17 5

Larval diet affects adult reproduction but not survival regardless of injury and infection stress in Drosophila melanogaster 132 56 5

Spectral niches reveal taxonomic identity and complementarity in plant communities 183 17 5

Inter-annual stability and age-dependent changes in plasma testosterone levels in a longitudinally monitored free-living passerine bird 183 56 15 5

Experimental manipulation of body size alters senescence in hydra 132 21 5

Environmental Drivers of Variation in Labial Teeth Number in Ascaphus Tadpoles 183 17 5

Social environment drives sex and age-specific variation in Drosophila melanogaster microbiome composition and predicted function. 56 29 5

Temporal environmental variation imposes differential selection on genomic and ecological traits of virtual plant communities 99 17 5

Ecological success of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies invading an environmentally unstable habitat 5

Soil microbial diversity impacts plant microbiomes more than herbivory 17 5

Different temporal trends in vascular plant and bryophytes communities along elevational gradients over four decades of warming 17 5

Living in a changing world: effects of roads and Pinus monocultures on an anuran metacommunity in southern Brazil 17 5

Landscape heterogeneity buffers biodiversity of meta-food-webs under global change through rescue and drainage effects 183 17 5

Variation in space and time: a long-term examination of density-dependent dispersal in a woodland rodent 17 5

Impacts of host phylogeny, feeding styles, and parasite attachment site on isotopic discrimination in helminths infecting coral reef fish hosts. 183 17 5

Identifying reliable fitness proxies for growing animals responding to anthropogenic changes 30 17 5

Individual reversible plasticity as a genotype-level bet-hedging strategy 132 21 5

Phylogenetic and metabolic diversity have contrasting effects on the ecological functioning of bacterial communities 17 5

Priority effects and season length shape long-term competition dynamics 99 17 5

Kinship does not predict the structure of a shark social network 183 30 5

Climate change and intensive land use reduce soil animal biomass through dissimilar pathways 17 5

Environmental and morphological constraints interact to drive the evolution of communication signals in frogs 132 21 5

Temporal resource continuity increases predator abundance in a metapopulation model: insights for conservation and biocontrol 17 5

Temperature impacts the transmission of malaria parasites by Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes 48 17 5

Trait-environment relationships are predictive, but not general across species 17 5

The impact of microclimate and soil on the ecology and evolution of an arctic plant 86 17 5

Genetic diversity increases food-web persistence in the face of climate warming 86 17 5

Ecological theory predicts ecosystem stressor interactions in freshwater ecosystems, but highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the additive null model 17 5 4

Clonal thermal preferences affect the strength of the temperature-size rule 86 5

Diversity reduces extinction risk at global scales 160 17 5

Boldness and exploration vary between shell morphs but not environmental contexts in the snail Cepaea nemoralis 21 5

Climate gradients explain population-level divergence in drought-induced plasticity of functional traits and gene expression in a South African Protea 86 21 5

Modeling the demography of species providing extended parental care: A capture-recapture multievent model with a case study on Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) 83 17 5 4

Local adaptation can cause both peaks and troughs in nucleotide diversity within populations 21 5

Adaptive evolution shapes the present-day distribution of the thermal sensitivity of population growth rate 86 21 5

Genetic variance in fitness and its cross-sex covariance predict adaptation during experimental evolution 132 21 5

The impacts of body mass on immune cell concentrations in birds 155 5

Community-wide seed dispersal distances peak at low levels of specialisation in size-structured networks 99 17 5 4

When the microbiome defines the host phenotype: selection on vertical transmission in varying environments 132 21 5

Interaction of habitat isolation and seasonality: impact of fragmentation in dynamic landscapes on local and regional population variability in meta-food chains 17 5

Drivers of change in the realised climatic niche of terrestrial mammal species 17 5

Composition of the North American wood frog (Rana sylvatica) skin microbiome and seasonal variation in community structure 29 17 5

Body size and tree species composition determine variation in prey consumption in a forest-inhabiting generalist predator 17 5

Diversity of dominant soil bacteria increases with warming velocity at the global scale 17 5

Bumblebee worker body size affects new worker production in different resource environments 155 17 5

Increasing temperature threatens an already endangered coastal dune plant 86 17 5

The role of higher-order biotic interactions on tropical tree growth 99 17 5

Inter-specific Variability in Demographic Processes Affects Abundance-Occupancy Relationships 155 38 17 5

The Association of Externalizing and Internalizing Problems with Indicators of Intelligence in a Sample of At-Risk Children 183 15 5 2

High developmental temperature leads to low reproduction despite adult temperature 86 5

Hot droughts compromise interannual survival across all group sizes in a cooperatively breeding bird 86 17 5

Species traits predict extinction risk across the Tree of Life 7 5

Structural colours reflect individual quality: a meta-analysis 183 5

Selection on phenotypic plasticity favors thermal canalization 132 86 21 5

Genetic and environmental canalization are not associated among altitudinally varying populations of Drosophila melanogaster 21 5

Functional redundancy in natural pico-phytoplankton communities depends on temperature and biogeography 17 5

Growth impacts in a changing ocean: insights from two coral reef fishes in an extreme environment 86 7 5

Systematic variation in the temperature dependence of bacterial carbon use efficiency 86 17 5