Topic 23

neuroscience visual task participants stimulus stimuli perceptual neural perception sensory processing information auditory cortex when whether representations eeg tasks objects temporal responses motor decision performance behavioral object recorded trial brain attention behavior movements how representation presented evidence discrimination they speech results during learning attentional evoked cognitive memory trials experiment decisions suggest movement cortical spatial while encoding cues time either paradigm humans making was activity about signals vision previous eye findings modulated were noise effect not cue it perceived sounds observers feedback frequency parietal cognition experience reward areas scene subjects choice learned decoding measured modulation found sound or electroencephalography motion but

1191 items. Top items listed below.

No evidence for effect of reward motivation on coding of behaviorally relevant category distinctions across the frontoparietal cortex 23 22 2

Task-Dependent Electrophysiological Signatures of Explicit Perceptual Timing 23 2

Previously reward-associated stimuli capture spatial attention in the absence of changes in the corresponding sensory representations as measured with MEG 23 2

Neural mechanisms underlying distractor inhibition on the basis of feature and/or spatial expectations. 23 2

Prior expectations of motion direction modulate early sensory processing 23 2

Spatial and temporal context jointly modulate the sensory response within the ventral visual stream 23 2

Emergence of Non-Linear Mixed Selectivity in Prefrontal Cortex after Training 100 23 2

Hierarchical effects of choice related activity and neural encoding during feature selective attention 23 2

Memory for stimulus durations is not bound to spatial information 23 2

Complementary effects of adaptation and gain control on sound encoding in primary auditory cortex 23 2

Selective control of working memory in prefrontal, parietal, and visual cortex 23 2

Spontaneous alpha-band amplitude predicts subjective visibility but not discrimination accuracy during high-level perception 42 23 2

Divided attention for feature-based selection in visual cortex 23 2

Sensory feedback-dependent coding of arm position in local field potentials of the posterior parietal cortex 42 23 2

Abstract neuronal choice signals during embodied decisions 58 23 2

Adaptation supports short-term memory in a visual change detection task 100 23 2

Differential attention-dependent adjustment of frequency, power and phase in primary sensory and frontoparietal areas 42 23 2

Uncertainty is Maintained and Used in Working Memory 157 58 23 2

Scene context impairs perception of semantically congruent objects 23 2

Temporal expectation hastens decision onset but does not affect evidence quality 23 2

Experience-dependent alteration of mnemonic representation in early visual cortex and intraparietal sulcus 23 2

Correlations enhance the behavioral readout of neural population activity in association cortex 58 23 2

An emergent population code in primary auditory cortex supports selective attention to spectral and temporal sound features 23 2

The Latency of Spontaneous Eye Blinks Marks Relevant Visual and Auditory Information Processing 23 2

The neural dynamics underlying prioritisation of task-relevant information 23 2

The effect of counterfactual information on outcome value coding in medial prefrontal and cingulate cortex: from an absolute to a relative neural code. 58 23 2

Sustained neural activity correlates with rapid perceptual learning of auditory patterns 23 2

Task-irrelevant visual forms facilitate covert and overt spatial selection 23 2

Motor-evoked neural responses in auditory cortex are associated with improved sensitivity to self-generated sounds 23 2

Dual strategies in human confidence judgments 157 23 2

Temporal prediction elicits rhythmic pre-activation of relevant sensory cortices 23 2

Temporal uncertainty affects the visual processing of predicted stimulus properties 23 2

Real-world expectations and their affective value modulate object processing 23 2

Nonlinear neural network dynamics accounts for human confidence in a sequence of perceptual decisions 58 23 2

Humans adapt their anticipatory eye movements to the volatility of visual motion properties 23 2

Neural encoding of reliability and validity of directional information during the preparation of targeted movements 42 23 2

Timing of readiness potentials reflect a decision-making process in the human brain 58 23 2

Individual Resting-state alpha peak frequency and within-trial changes in alpha peak frequency both predict visual flash segregation performance 23 2

Activity level in left auditory cortex predicts behavioral performance in inhibition tasks in children 23 2

Neural mechanisms underlying expectation-dependent inhibition of distracting information 23 2

Environmental rhythms orchestrate neural activity at multiple stages of processing during memory encoding: Evidence from event-related potentials 23 2

Auditory Steady-State Responses During And After A Stimulus: Cortical Sources, and the Influence of Attention and Musicality 23 2

Concurrent Guidance of Attention by Multiple Working Memory Items: Behavioral and Computational Evidence 23 2

Context-dependent odor learning requires the anterior olfactory nucleus 66 58 23 2

Slow drift of neural activity as a signature of impulsivity in macaque visual and prefrontal cortex 58 23 2

EEG signatures of contextual influences on visual search with real scenes 23 2

Training enhances the ability of listeners to exploit visual information for auditory scene analysis 23 2

Cross-modal orienting of exogenous attention results in visual-cortical facilitation, not suppression 23 2

Divided Attention in Perception:A Unified Analysis of Dual-Task Deficits and Congruency Effects 23 2

The planning horizon for movement sequences 23 2

Extracting the Dynamics of Behavior in Decision-Making Experiments 58 23 2

Perceptual decisions about object shape bias visuomotor coordination during rapid interception 23 2

The eyes reflect an internal cognitive state hidden in the population activity of cortical neurons 23 2

Auditory Target Detection Enhances Visual Processing and Hippocampal Functional Connectivity 23 22 2

Disturbance of Information in Superior Parietal Lobe during Dual-task Interference in a Simulated Driving task 23 2

Neural oscillations track natural but not artificial fast speech: Novel insights from speech-brain coupling using MEG 42 23 2

Selective effects of arousal on population coding of natural sounds in primary auditory cortex 50 23 2

Attention affects overall gain but not selective contrast at meter frequencies in the neural processing of rhythm 23 2

Encoding of 3D Head Orienting Movements in Primary Visual Cortex 50 23 2

Implicit anticipation of probabilistic regularities: Larger CNV emerges for unpredictable events 23 2

Individual-subject functional localization increases univariate activation but not multivariate pattern discriminability in the 'multiple-demand' frontoparietal network 22 2

Rapid changes in brain activity during learning of grapheme-phoneme associations in adults 23 2

Non-selective inhibition of the motor system following unexpected and expected infrequent events 23 2

A functional spiking-neuron model of activity-silent working memory in humans based on calcium-mediated short-term synaptic plasticity 100 23 2

Involuntary orienting and conflict resolution during auditory attention: The role of ventral and dorsal streams 22 2

Does the phase of ongoing EEG oscillations predict auditory perception? 42 23 2

Large-scale functional integration, rather than functional dissociation along dorsal and ventral streams, underlies visual perception and action 22 2

EEG Alpha Power Predicts the Temporal Sensitivity of Multisensory Integration 42 23 2

Evidence accumulation during perceptual decision-making is sensitive to the dynamics of attentional selection 23 2

Unexpected sounds non-selectively inhibit active visual stimulus representations 23 2

Biased neural representation of feature-based attention in human brain 23 22 2

Neuronal responses in posterior parietal cortex during learning of implied serial order 23 2

Uncertainty-driven regulation of learning and exploration in adolescents: A computational account 58 23 2

Prioritized neural computations of socially-relevant signals during perceptual decision-making 23 2

Single circuit in V1 capable of switching contexts during movement using VIP population as a switch 50 23 2

Age-related differences in auditory cortex activity during spoken word recognition 23 22 2

The relationship between multisensory associative learning and multisensory integration 23 2

Causally Linking Neural Dominance to Perceptual Dominance in a Multisensory Conflict 23 2

Somatosensory evoked potentials indexing lateral inhibition are modulated according to the mode of perceptual processing: comparing or combining multi-digit tactile motion 23 2

Now you see it, now you don't: Overlapping neural representations for the position of visible and invisible objects 23 2

Stereo-EEG reveals rich cortical dynamics in humans coping with difficult action discrimination. 23 2

A Simultaneous EEG-fMRI Study of Thalamic Load-Dependent Working Memory Delay Period Activity 144 23 2

Hue tuning curves in V4 change with visual context 100 23 2

Auditory Decisions in the Supplementary Motor Area 23 2

Alpha Activity Reflects the Magnitude of an Individual Bias in Human Perception 23 2

Voluntary actions modulate perception and neural representation of action-consequences in a hand-dependent manner 23 2

Temporal expectation modulates the neural dynamics of delayed responses to working memory representations 144 23 2

Neural correlates of auditory pattern learning in the auditory cortex 23 2

Phasic modulation of visual representations during sustained attention 42 23 2

Detecting (un)seen change: The neural underpinnings of (un)conscious prediction errors 23 2

Neural surprise in somatosensory Bayesian learning 23 2

Voice and Face Gender Perception engages multimodal integration via multiple feedback pathways. 23 22 2

Structure of population activity in primary motor cortex for single finger flexion and extension 50 23 2

The covariance perceptron: A new paradigm for classification and processing of time series in recurrent neuronal networks 100 50 38 23 2

Online Transcranial Random Noise stimulation improves perception at high levels of visual white noise 80 23 2

Modality-specific and multisensory mechanisms of spatial attention and expectation 23 2

Self-operated stimuli improve subsequent visual motion processing 157 23 2

The dynamic transition between neural states is associated with the flexible use of memory 144 23 2

Visually-evoked choice behavior driven by distinct population computations with non-sensory neurons in visual cortical areas 50 23 2

Representational Dynamics Preceding Conscious Access 23 2