Advise how VST will transform data

vst_advice(what = "anscombe.nb", dispersion = NULL, cpm = FALSE,
  lib.size = NULL)



Either the output of a call to vst() or the name of a VST method (see vst() help).


As per vst().


As per vst().


As per vst().


A data frame giving an indication of how an average sample will be transformed.

The column "twofold_step" shows the step from the previous to current row. With a log2 transformation this would be uniformly 1, but with a VST and small counts the step is less than 1. This therefore provides advice on how compacted the VST is near zero-count, as compared to a log2 transformation.

Note that the results given are for an average sample. Where library sizes differ wildly, the VST may perform poorly.