Source: langevitour.js

"use strict";

Required if using this script directly from HTML:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

I tried TensorFlow for gradients, but in the end did them by hand.
<!-- <script src=""></script> -->

let langevitour = (function(){

/**** Utility functions ****/

function has(object, name) {
    return object.hasOwnProperty(name);

function elementVisible(el) {
    // Check several ways of hiding an element or its parents.
    // Hopefully this will work for slideshows.
    let parent = el;
    while(parent != null) {
        let style = window.getComputedStyle(parent);
        if (style.opacity == "0" || style.display == "none" || style.visibility != "visible")
            return false;
        parent = parent.parentElement;

    let rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
    return < window.innerHeight && rect.bottom >= 0 &&
           rect.left < window.innerWidth && rect.right >= 0;

function randInt(n) { 
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*n); 

function permutation(n) {
    let array = Array(n).fill(0).map((x,i)=>i);
    for (let i = array.length-1; i>0; i--) {
        const j = randInt(i+1);
        [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
    return array;

function hexByte(value) {
    value = Math.max(0,Math.min(255,Math.round(value)));
    return (value<16?'0':'')+value.toString(16);

function times(n, func, ...args) {
    let result = Array(n);
    for(let i=0;i<n;i++) result[i] = func(...args);
    return result;

function zeros(n) { return Array(n).fill(0); }

function vecSub(a,b) {
    let result = Array(a.length);
    for(let i=0;i<result.length;i++) result[i] = a[i]-b[i];
    return result;

function vecAdd(a,b) {
    let result = Array(a.length);
    for(let i=0;i<result.length;i++) result[i] = a[i]+b[i];
    return result;

function vecDot(a,b) {
    let result = 0;
    for(let i=0;i<a.length;i++) result += a[i]*b[i];
    return result;

function vecScale(a,b) {
    let result = Array(a.length);
    for(let i=0;i<result.length;i++) result[i] = a[i]*b;
    return result;

function zeroMat(n,m) { return times(n,zeros,m); }

function matMulInto(result, A, B) {
    let a = A.length, b = A[0].length, c = B[0].length;

    for(let i=0;i<a;i++)
    for(let k=0;k<c;k++) {
        let s = 0;
        for(let j=0;j<b;j++)
            s += A[i][j] * B[j][k];
        result[i][k] = s;

function matMul(A,B) {
    let result = times(A.length, ()=>Array(B[0].length));
    matMulInto(result, A, B);
    return result

function matTcrossprodInto(result, A, B) {
    let a = A.length, b = A[0].length, c = B.length;

    for(let i=0;i<a;i++)
    for(let k=0;k<c;k++) {
        let s = 0;
        for(let j=0;j<b;j++) 
             s += A[i][j] * B[k][j];
        result[i][k] = s;

function matTcrossprod(A,B) {
    let result = times(A.length, Array, B.length);
    matTcrossprodInto(result, A, B);
    return result

function matAdd(A,B) {
    let result = times(A.length, ()=>Array(A[0].length));
    for(let i=0;i<A.length;i++)
    for(let j=0;j<A[0].length;j++)
        result[i][j] = A[i][j]+B[i][j];
    return result;

function matScale(A,b) {
    return => => value*b));

function matScaleInto(A,b) {
    for(let i=0;i<A.length;i++)
    for(let j=0;j<A[0].length;j++)
        A[i][j] *= b;

function matAddInto(A,B) {
    for(let i=0;i<A.length;i++)
    for(let j=0;j<A[0].length;j++)
        A[i][j] += B[i][j];

function matTranspose(A) {
    let result = times(A[0].length, Array, A.length);
    for(let i=0;i<A.length;i++)
    for(let j=0;j<A[0].length;j++)
        result[j][i] = A[i][j];
    return result;

function removeSpin(motion, proj) {
    /* Ensure each row of motion is in the null space of the rows of proj.
       proj rows are assumed to be orthonormal. 
       This is used to avoid adding random spin to the projection. */
    let result = [...motion];
    for(let i=0;i<result.length;i++)
    for(let j=0;j<proj.length;j++)
        result[i] = vecSub(result[i],vecScale(proj[j],vecDot(motion[i],proj[j])));
    return result;

/**** Projection pursuit gradients ****/

function gradRepulsion(proj, X, power, fineScale) {
    let k = 1000;
    let A = Array(k);
    for(let i=0;i<k;i++) {
        A[i] = vecSub(X[randInt(X.length)],X[randInt(X.length)]);

    function objective(proj) {
        let projA = tf.matMul(proj, tf.transpose(A));
        let l = tf.sum(tf.mul(projA,projA),0)
        l = tf.add(l, fineScale**2);
        if (power == 0)
            l = tf.log(l)
            l = tf.div(tf.pow(l,power),power);
        return tf.mul(tf.sum(l), -1/k);

    let gradFunc = tf.grad(objective);
    function inner() {
        let grad = gradFunc(tf.tensor(proj));
        // Don't spin.
        let rotProj = tf.matMul([[0,-1/Math.sqrt(2)],[1/Math.sqrt(2),0]], proj);
        let dot = tf.sum(tf.mul(grad,rotProj));
        grad = tf.sub(grad, tf.mul(rotProj, dot));
        return grad.arraySync();
    return tf.tidy(inner);

function gradRepulsion(proj, X, power, fineScale, strength) {
    Ideally we would perform repulsion between all pairs of points. However this would be O(n^2). Instead we only do a fraction of this -- it's a stochastic gradient.
    Unfortunately this means there is a little jitter even if heat is completely turned off. 
    let iters = 5000;
    let m = proj.length, n = proj[0].length;
    let p = Array(m);
    let grad = zeroMat(m,n);
    let off1 = randInt(X.length);
    let off2 = randInt(X.length);
    for(let i=0;i<iters;i++) {
        let a = vecSub(X[(i+off1)%X.length],X[(i+off2)%X.length]);
        for(let j=0;j<m;j++)
            p[j] = vecDot(a, proj[j]);
        let scale = (vecDot(p,p)+fineScale*fineScale)**(power-1);
        for(let j=0;j<m;j++)
        for(let k=0;k<n;k++)
            grad[j][k] += a[k] * p[j] * scale;
    matScaleInto(grad, -2/iters * strength);    
    return grad;

function gradCentralRepulsion(proj, X, power, fineScale, strength) {
    let m = proj.length, n = proj[0].length;
    let p = Array(m);
    let grad = zeroMat(m,n);
    for(let i=0;i<X.length;i++) {
        let a = X[i];
        for(let j=0;j<m;j++)
            p[j] = vecDot(a, proj[j]);
        let scale = (vecDot(p,p)+fineScale*fineScale)**(power-1);
        for(let j=0;j<m;j++)
        for(let k=0;k<n;k++)
            grad[j][k] += a[k] * p[j] * scale;
    matScaleInto(grad, -2/X.length * strength);
    return grad;

function gradSparseRank(proj, strength) {
    let m = proj.length, n = proj[0].length;
    let mag2 = zeros(n);
    for(let i=0;i<m;i++)
        for(let j=0;j<n;j++)
            mag2[j] += proj[i][j]**2;
    let order = [...Array(n).keys()];
    order.sort((i,j) => mag2[j]-mag2[i]);
    let grad = zeroMat(m,n);
    for(let j=0;j<3;j++)
        for(let i=0;i<m;i++)
            grad[i][order[j]] = -strength*proj[i][order[j]];
    return grad;

let gradTable = {
    //Not quite working well.
    //Better to manually hide all but 3 axes.
    //"sparse": (proj,X) => gradSparseRank(proj, 0.1),

    "ultralocal": (proj,X) => gradRepulsion(proj,X,-1,0.05,0.01),
    "local": (proj,X) => gradRepulsion(proj,X,0,0.01,0.5),
    "pca": (proj,X) => gradRepulsion(proj,X,1,0,0.5),
    "outlier": (proj,X) => gradRepulsion(proj,X,2,0,5),
    "push": (proj,X) => gradCentralRepulsion(proj,X, 0.5, 0.01,  0.5),
    "pull": (proj,X) => gradCentralRepulsion(proj,X, 0.5, 0.01, -0.2),    

/**** Main class ****/

let template = `~
        /* Reset all host styling. */
        :host {
            all: initial;
        * { font-family: sans-serif; }
        input { vertical-align: middle; }
        input[type=checkbox] { vertical-align: baseline; }
        .box { 
            background: #eee;
            display: inline-block; 
            padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 0.5em; 
            margin: 0.25em; 
            border-radius: 0.25em;
            vertical-align: middle;
        button {
            margin: 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em;
            padding: 0px;
            vertical-align: middle;
            height: 24px;
            width: 24px;
        .infoBox {
            visibility: hidden;
            position: absolute;
            left: 10px;
            bottom: 0px;
            padding: 1em;
            background: #fff;
            border: 1px solid black;
            border-radius: 0.25em;
        .messageArea {
            position: absolute;
            white-space: pre;
            text-align: right;
            right: 3px;
            bottom: 3px;
            color: #888;
        .labelDiv {
            white-space: nowrap;
            position: absolute;
            border-radius: 3px;
            padding: 2px 5px 1px 0px;
            cursor: grab;  
            user-select: none;
            font-size: 15px;
        .labelDiv input {
            padding: 0px;
            margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px;

    <div style="position: relative" class=plotDiv>
        <canvas class=canvas></canvas>
        <div class=messageArea></div>
        <div class=overlay style="position: absolute; left:0; top:0;"></div>
        <div class=infoBox>
            <div><b><a href="">langevitour</a></b></div>
            <div class=infoBoxInfo></div>
            <textarea class=infoBoxProj rows=5 cols=30 wrap=off onclick=""></textarea>
            <textarea class=infoBoxState rows=5 cols=30 wrap=on onfocus="this.setSelectionRange(0,this.value.length,'backward');" spellcheck=false></textarea>

    <div class=controlDiv>
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            ><svg  width=20 height=20 version="1.1" viewBox="7 7 22 22" style="vertical-align: middle;">
            <path d="M 10,16 l 2,0 l 0,-4 l 4,0 l 0,-2 L 10,10 l 0,6 l 0,0 z"></path>
            <path d="M 20,10 l 0,2 l 4,0 l 0,4 l 2,0 L 26,10 l -6,0 l 0,0 z"></path>
            <path d="M 24,24 l -4,0 l 0,2 L 26,26 l 0,-6 l -2,0 l 0,4 l 0,0 z"></path>
            <path d="M 12,20 L 10,20 L 10,26 l 6,0 l 0,-2 l -4,0 l 0,-4 l 0,0 z"></path>
        <button class=infoButton>
        <div class=box>~
            <input class=axesCheckbox type=checkbox checked>~
        <div class=box>~
            <input type=range min=-3 max=3 step=0.01 value=0 class=dampInput>~
        <div class=box>~
            <input class=heatCheckbox type=checkbox checked>~
            <input type=range min=-2 max=4 step=0.01 value=0 class=heatInput>~
        <div class=box>~
            <select class=guideSelect value=none>
                <optgroup label="Explore">
                    <option value=none title="Look at completely random projections.">free</option>
                <optgroup label="Layout">
                    <option value=ultralocal title="Try to ensure small things don't overlap. May be unstable.">ultralocal</option>
                    <option value=local title="Try to ensure things don't overlap. A good default.">local</option>
                    <option value=pca title="Equivalent to Principal Components Analysis.">PCA</option>
                    <option value=outlier title="Find projections with some points very far from other points.">outlier</option>
                <optgroup label="Central force">
                    <option value=push title="Push points away from the center.">push</option>
                    <option value=pull title="Pull points towards the center.">pull</option>
            <input type=range min=-2 max=2 step=0.01 value=0 class=guideInput>~
        <div class=box>~
            Label attraction~
            <input class=labelCheckbox type=checkbox checked>~
            <input type=range min=-3 max=1 step=0.01 value=0 class=labelInput>~
`.replace(/~\s*/g,''); // Strip whitespace marked with initial '~'.

/** Class to create and animate a Langevin Tour widget */
class Langevitour {
     * Create a Langevin Tour widget.
     * @param {HTMLElement} container Element to insert widget into.
     * @param {number} width Desired initial width of widget.
     * @param {number} height Desired initial height of widget.
    constructor(container, width, height) {
        // Set up elements in a shadow DOM to isolate from document style.
        // The extra div seems necessary to avoid weird shrinkage with resizing.
        this.container = container;
        this.container.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
        this.shadow = this.container.firstChild.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
        this.shadow.innerHTML = template;
        this.canvas = this.get('canvas');
        this.overlay = this.get('overlay');
        // Allow this to be found using document.getElementById(name).langevitour
        this.container.langevitour = this;
        this.X = null;
        this.n = 0;
        this.m = 0;
        this.levels = [ ];

        this.running = false;
        this.lastTime = 0;
        this.dragging = false;
        this.fps = [ ];
        this.computeMessage = '';

        this.resize(width, height);
        /* svg overlay only appears when mouse in plot area */
        this.mousing = false;
        this.mouseX = 0;
        this.mouseY = 0;
        let plotDiv = this.get('plotDiv');
        plotDiv.addEventListener('mouseover', (e) => { 
            this.mousing = true; 
        plotDiv.addEventListener('mouseout', (e) => { 
            this.mousing = false; 
        plotDiv.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => { 
            let rect = plotDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
            this.mouseX = e.x - rect.left;
            this.mouseY = e.y -;
        /* Hide fullscreen button if not available */
        if (this.container.requestFullscreen == null)
            this.get('fullscreenButton').style.display = 'none';
        /* Handle fullscreen */
        this.get('fullscreenButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
            if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
            } else if (document.exitFullscreen) {
        this.shadow.firstChild.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', () => { 
            let el = this.shadow.firstChild;
            if (document.fullscreenElement) {
                this.originalWidth = this.width;
                this.originalHeight = this.height;
                let pad = Math.max(0, el.offsetWidth-el.offsetHeight)/2;
       = pad+'px';
                this.width = el.offsetWidth-pad;
                this.height = el.offsetHeight;
            } else {
       = '0px';
                this.width = this.originalWidth;
                this.height = this.originalHeight;
        /* Info box */
        this.get('infoButton').addEventListener('click', () => {
            let el = this.get('infoBox');
            if ( == 'visible') {
       = 'hidden';
            } else {
       = 'visible';
                let matStr = 'projection <- cbind(\n    c(';
                matStr += =>
                        (item,i) => (item/this.scale[i]).toFixed( Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.max(0,this.scale[i]))+4) )
                    ).join(',')).join('),\n    c(');
                matStr += '))\nprojected <- as.matrix(X) %*% projection';
                this.get('infoBoxProj').value = matStr;
                this.get('infoBoxState').value = JSON.stringify(this.getState(), null, 4);
                this.get('infoBoxInfo').innerHTML = `<p>${this.X.length.toLocaleString("en-US")} points.</p>`;
    get(className) {
        return this.shadow.firstChild.getElementsByClassName(className)[0];
     * Show data in the widget.
     * @param {object} data The data to show.
     * @param {Array.<Array.<number>>} data.X A row-major matrix, where each row represents a point and each column represents a variable. The data should be centered and scaled.
     * @param {Array.<number>} data.scale Scaling to restore original units of X.
     * @param {Array.<number>} Center to restore original units of X.
     * @param {Array.<string>} data.colnames A name for each column in X.
     * @param {Array.<string>} [data.rownames] A name for each point.
     * @param {Array.<number>} [] Group number for each point. Integer values starting from 0.
     * @param {Array.<string>} [data.levels] Group names for each group in
     * @param {Array.<Array.<number>>} [data.extraAxes] A matrix with each column defining a projection of interest.
     * @param {Array.<number>} [data.extraAxesCenter] Center to restore original units of extra axes. Scaling is assumed already included in data.extraAxes.
     * @param {Array.<string>} [data.extraAxesNames] A name for each extra axis.
     * @param {Array.<number>} [data.lineFrom] Rows of X to draw lines from.
     * @param {Array.<number>} [data.lineTo] Rows of X to draw lines to.
     * @param {Array.<string>} [data.axisColors] CSS colors for each variable and then optionally for each extra axis.
     * @param {Array.<string>} [data.levelColors] CSS colors for each level.
     * @param {number} [data.colorVariation] Amount of brightness variation of points, between 0 and 1.
     * @param {number} [data.pointSize] Radius of points in pixels.
    renderValue(data) {
        //TODO: checking
        this.n = data.X.length;
        this.m = data.X[0].length;
        this.pointSize = data.pointSize != null ? data.pointSize : 1;
        let axisColors = data.axisColors || [];
        // data.X is assumed already centered and scaled. 
        // These allow us to recover the original values: = || Array(this.m).fill(0);
        this.scale = data.scale || Array(this.m).fill(1);
        // Shuffling is not optional.
        this.permutor = permutation(this.n);
        this.unpermutor = Array(this.n);
        for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++) 
            this.unpermutor[this.permutor[i]] = i;
        this.X = => data.X[i]);
        if (!data.rownames || data.rownames.length == 0) 
            this.rownames = null;
            this.rownames = => data.rownames[i]);
        this.colnames = data.colnames;
        this.lineFrom = (data.lineFrom || []).map(i => this.unpermutor[i]);
        this.lineTo = (data.lineTo || []).map(i => this.unpermutor[i]);
        this.axes = [ ];
        if (data.extraAxes)
        for(let i=0;i<data.extraAxes[0].length;i++) {
            let vec = => row[i]);
            let scale = Math.sqrt(vecDot(vec,vec));
            let unit = vecScale(vec, 1/scale);
                name: data.extraAxesNames[i],
                scale: scale,
                center: data.extraAxesCenter[i],
                color: axisColors[i+this.m],

        for(let i=0;i<this.m;i++) {
            let unit = zeros(this.m);
            unit[i] = 1;
                name: data.colnames[i],
                scale: this.scale[i],
                unit: unit,
                color: axisColors[i],
        // Precompute projection of all data onto all axes
        for(let i=0;i<this.axes.length;i++) {
            this.axes[i].proj = => vecDot(vec, this.axes[i].unit));
        this.levels = data.levels; = =>[i]);
        let nGroups = this.levels.length;

        this.levelColors = (data.levelColors || []).slice();
        // Pick a palette if not given
        for(let i=this.levelColors.length;i<nGroups;i++) {
            let angle = (i+1/3)/nGroups;
            let value = 104;
            let r = value*(1+Math.cos(angle*Math.PI*2));
            let g = value*(1+Math.cos((angle+1/3)*Math.PI*2));
            let b = value*(1+Math.cos((angle+2/3)*Math.PI*2));
            this.levelColors[i] = d3.rgb(r,g,b).formatHex();
        // Point colors are given a small back-to-front brightness gradient,
        // to add some variation and give a pseudo-3D effect.
        let colorVariation = data.colorVariation == null ? 0.3 : data.colorVariation;
        this.fills = [ ];
        this.fillsFaded = [ ];
        for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++) {
            let color = d3.color(this.levelColors[[i]]);
            let value = 1+colorVariation*(i/this.n*2-1);
            color.r *= value;
            color.g *= value;
            color.b *= value;
            this.fills[i] = color.formatHex();
            this.fillsFaded[i] = this.fills[i] + '1f';
        this.labelData = [ ];
        if (this.levels.length > 1)
        for(let i=0;i<this.levels.length;i++) {
            let vec = zeros(this.m);
            for(let j=0;j<this.n;j++)
                if ([j] == i)
                    vec = vecAdd(vec, this.X[j]);
            vec = vecScale(vec, 1/Math.sqrt(vecDot(vec,vec)));            
                type: 'level',
                level: i,
                label: this.levels[i], 
                vec: vec,
                color: this.levelColors[i],
                active: true,
                x:2, y:0, //Outside plot area will be repositioned in configure()
        for(let i=0;i<this.axes.length;i++) {
                type: 'axis',
                axis: i,
                label: this.axes[i].name, 
                vec: this.axes[i].unit,
                color: this.axes[i].color || '#000000',
                active: true,
                x:2, y:0, //Outside plot area will be repositioned in configure()
        // Set initial projection state        
        this.proj = zeroMat(2, this.m);
        this.proj[0][0] = 1;
        this.proj[1][1] = 1;
        this.vel = zeroMat(2, this.m);
        // Only used in doFrame. However this is a fairly large amount of memory that needs to be used each time.
        this.xy = zeroMat(2, this.n);
        this.fillsFrame = Array(this.n).fill("");
        if (!this.running) {
            this.running = true;
        if (has(data,"state"))
     * Resize the widget.
     * Ignored if widget has gone full-screen.
     * @param {number} width New width.
     * @param {number} height New height.
    resize(width, height) {
        // At least in pkgdown vignettes, we get weird resize requests while fullscreen.
        if (document.fullscreenElement) return;
        this.width = Math.max(200, width);
        this.height = Math.max(200, height);
    configure() {
        if (!this.running) return;
        = this.width+'px'; = this.width+'px';
        // Scrollbars will appear if very small
        let controlHeight = this.get('controlDiv').offsetHeight + 5;
        this.size = Math.max(100, Math.min(this.width-100, this.height-controlHeight));
        = this.size+'px'; = this.size+'px';
        this.xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
        this.yScale = d3.scaleLinear()

        this.xScaleClamped = this.xScale.copy().clamp(true);
        this.yScaleClamped = this.yScale.copy().clamp(true);

        /* Draggable labels */
        let overlay =;
        this.mouseInCheckbox = false;
        let divs = overlay
                enter => {
                    let div = enter.append('div')
                        .classed('labelDiv', true);
                        .property('checked',d =>
                        .on('change',function(e,d) { = this.checked; })
                        .on('mouseover',() => { this.mouseInCheckbox = true; })
                        .on('mouseout',() => { this.mouseInCheckbox = false; });
                    return div;
            .on('mouseover', (e,d)=>{ d.selected += 1; refreshLabels(); })
            .on('mouseout', (e,d)=>{ d.selected -= 1; refreshLabels(); });
        divs.each(function (d) {
            d.halfWidth = this.offsetWidth/2;
            d.halfHeight = this.offsetHeight/2;

        let thys = this; //sigh

        function refreshLabels() {
            let maxX = thys.xScale.invert(thys.width);
            for(let item of thys.labelData) {
                item.x = Math.max(-1,Math.min(maxX, item.x));
                item.y = Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,    item.y));

        let drag = d3.drag()
            .subject(function (e,d) {
                return { x:e.x, y:e.y };
            .on('start', function(e,d) {
                // Do not drag checkbox.
                if (thys.mouseInCheckbox)
                thys.dragging = true;
       = 'grabbing';
                d.selected += 1;
            .on('drag', function(e,d) {
                // We decided not to drag because we started on the checkbox.
                if (!thys.dragging)
                d.x = thys.xScale.invert(e.x);
                d.y = thys.yScale.invert(e.y);
            .on('end', function(e,d) {
                if (!thys.dragging)
                thys.dragging = false;
       = 'grab';
                d.selected -= 1;

        /* Reposition labels that are not currently in use. */
        let cols=Math.ceil((25*this.labelData.length)/(this.size-40));
        for(let i=0;i<this.labelData.length;i++) {
            let d = this.labelData[i];
            if (d.x < 1) continue;
            let col = i % cols, row = (i-col)/cols;
            d.index = i;
            d.selected = false;
            d.x = this.xScale.invert( this.size+10+d.halfWidth+(i%cols)*(this.width-this.size-10)/cols );
            d.y = this.yScale.invert( 20+row*25 );
     * Get the current widget state.
    getState() {
        let result = { };
        result.axesOn = this.get('axesCheckbox').checked;
        result.heatOn = this.get('heatCheckbox').checked;
        result.guideType = this.get('guideSelect').value;
        result.labelAttractionOn = this.get('labelCheckbox').checked;
        result.damping = Number(this.get('dampInput').value);
        result.heat = Number(this.get('heatInput').value); = Number(this.get('guideInput').value);
        result.labelAttraction = Number(this.get('labelInput').value);
        result.labelInactive = [ ];
        result.labelPos = { };
        for(let item of this.labelData) {
            if (!
            if (item.x < 1)
               result.labelPos[ item.label ] = [ item.x, item.y ];
        result.projection = this.proj;
        return result;
     * Set the widget state. 
     * Can be used to restore a previous state of the widget obtained with getState().
     * @param state A JSON string or an Object containing the desired state.
    setState(state) {
        if (typeof state == "string")
            state = JSON.parse(state);
        if (!state)
        if (has(state,'axesOn'))
            this.get('axesCheckbox').checked = state.axesOn;
        if (has(state,'heatOn'))
            this.get('heatCheckbox').checked = state.heatOn;
        // Old    
        if (has(state,'pointRepulsionType'))
            this.get('guideSelect').value = state.pointRepulsionType;
        // New
        if (has(state,'guideType'))
            this.get('guideSelect').value = state.guideType;
        if (has(state,'labelAttractionOn'))
            this.get('labelCheckbox').checked = state.labelAttractionOn;
        if (has(state,'damping'))
            this.get('dampInput').value = state.damping;
        if (has(state,'heat'))
            this.get('heatInput').value = state.heat;
        // Old
        if (has(state,'pointRepulsion'))
            this.get('guideInput').value = state.pointRepulsion;
        // New
        if (has(state,'guide'))
            this.get('guideInput').value =;
        if (has(state,'labelAttraction'))
            this.get('labelInput').value = state.labelAttraction;

        if (has(state,'labelInactive'))
        for(let item of this.labelData)
   = !state.labelInactive.includes(item.label);
        if (has(state,'labelPos'))
        for(let item of this.labelData)
        if (has(state.labelPos,item.label)) {
            item.x = state.labelPos[item.label][0];
            item.y = state.labelPos[item.label][1];
        } else {
            item.x = 1;
        if (has(state,'projection'))
            this.proj = Array.from( => Array.from(item)));

    scheduleFrame() {
    doFrame(time) {
        time /= 1000.0; //Convert to seconds

        let elapsed = time - this.lastTime;
        this.lastTime = time;
        if (this.X == null || !elementVisible(this.container)) {
            // We aren't visible. Wait a while.
            window.setTimeout(this.scheduleFrame.bind(this), 100);
        this.fps.push( Math.round(1/elapsed) );
        if (this.fps.length > 100) this.fps.shift();
        this.get('messageArea').innerText = `${this.computeMessage}\n${Math.min(...this.fps)} to ${Math.max(...this.fps)} FPS`;

        let selected = this.labelData.filter(d=>d.selected)[0];
        let selectedAxis = null;
        if (selected != null && selected.type == 'axis')
            selectedAxis = selected.axis;
        let showAxes = this.get('axesCheckbox').checked;        
        let levelActive = Array(this.levels.length).fill(true);
        for(let item of this.labelData)
        if (item.type == 'level')
            levelActive[item.level] =;
                = this.mousing?1:0;
        // Setup canvas and get context
        // Adjust for HiDPI screens and zoom level
        // see
        let ratio = window.devicePixelRatio;
        this.canvas.width = Math.floor(this.width * ratio);
        this.canvas.height = Math.floor(this.size * ratio);
        let ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.scale(ratio, ratio);
        let rx = this.xScale.range(), ry = this.yScale.range();
        ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
        ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';

        // Axes
        let axisScale = 0.75;
        ctx.strokeStyle = '#ccc';
        if (showAxes)
        for(let i=0;i<this.axes.length;i++) {
            let xProj = vecDot(this.proj[0], this.axes[i].unit);
            let yProj = vecDot(this.proj[1], this.axes[i].unit);
            ctx.moveTo(this.xScale(-axisScale*xProj), this.yScale(-axisScale*yProj));
            ctx.lineTo(this.xScale(axisScale*xProj), this.yScale(axisScale*yProj));

        // Projection
        matTcrossprodInto(this.xy, this.proj, this.X);
        // Lines
        for(let i=0;i<this.lineFrom.length;i++) {
            let a = this.lineFrom[i],
                b = this.lineTo[i];
            if (!levelActive[[a]] || !levelActive[[b]])
            // Make short lines darker so they have equal visual weight to longer lines
            // Clipped for d < 1/4, d > 1
            let d = Math.sqrt( (this.xy[0][a]-this.xy[0][b])**2 + (this.xy[1][a]-this.xy[1][b])**2 );
            d = Math.max(1/4,Math.min(1,d));
            ctx.strokeStyle = '#000000'+hexByte(128/(4*d));
            ctx.moveTo(this.xScaleClamped(this.xy[0][a]), this.yScaleClamped(this.xy[1][a]));
            ctx.lineTo(this.xScaleClamped(this.xy[0][b]), this.yScaleClamped(this.xy[1][b]));

        // Points
        // Default to group colors
        for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++)
            this.fillsFrame[i] = this.fills[i];
        // If we're mousing over a group, gray the other levels
        if (selected && selected.type == 'level' && levelActive[selected.level]) {
            for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++) {
                if ([i] != selected.level)
                    this.fillsFrame[i] = '#bbbbbb';
        // If we're mousing over an axis, color by position on axis
        if (selectedAxis != null) {
            for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++) {
                let c = this.axes[selectedAxis].proj[i];
                c = Math.tanh(c * 2);   // Extreme values compressed so -1<c<1
                this.fillsFrame[i] = d3.interpolateViridis(c*0.5+0.5);
        // Draw points that aren't hidden
        let size = this.pointSize;
        for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++) {
            if (levelActive[[i]]) {
                ctx.fillStyle = this.fillsFrame[i];
                ctx.fillRect(this.xScaleClamped(this.xy[0][i])-size, this.yScaleClamped(this.xy[1][i])-size, size*2, size*2);
        // If we're mousing over an axis, draw a rug for the axis
        if (showAxes && selectedAxis != null) {
            //ctx.strokeStyle = '#00000022';
            let xProj = vecDot(this.proj[0], this.axes[selectedAxis].unit);
            let yProj = vecDot(this.proj[1], this.axes[selectedAxis].unit);

            let ox = [ 
                 vecDot(this.proj[1], this.axes[selectedAxis].unit), 
                -vecDot(this.proj[0], this.axes[selectedAxis].unit) 
            ox = vecScale(ox, 0.05/Math.max(1e-30,Math.sqrt(vecDot(ox,ox)))); //Avoid very occasional divide by zero
            // Hack to speed up rug drawing by rounding positions, 
            // then only drawing each position once.
            let rug = {};
            let rounding = this.size;
            for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++) {
                if (!levelActive[[i]]) continue;
                let proj = this.axes[selectedAxis].proj[i];
                rug[ Math.round(proj*rounding)/rounding ] = this.fillsFrame[i];
            for(let [proj, fill] of Object.entries(rug)) {
                let p = [ xProj*proj, yProj*proj ];                
                let pA = vecAdd(p, ox);
                let pB = vecAdd(p, vecScale(ox,-1));
                ctx.strokeStyle = fill;//this.fillsFrame[i];
        //Text section
        ctx.textAlign = 'center';
        ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
        ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
        ctx.lineWidth = 5;
        // Row label
        if (this.mousing && this.mouseX < this.size && this.rownames) {
            let dists = [ ];
            for(let i=0;i<this.n;i++)
                dists[i] = { 
                       (this.yScaleClamped(this.xy[1][i])-this.mouseY)**2 };
            dists.sort((a,b) => a.d2-b.d2);
            ctx.font = `15px sans-serif`;
            ctx.strokeStyle = `#fff`;
            ctx.fillStyle = `#000`;
            for(let i=Math.min(this.n,1)-1;i>=0;i--) {
                let j=dists[i].i;
                let x = this.xScaleClamped(this.xy[0][j]), y = this.yScaleClamped(this.xy[1][j]);
                ctx.strokeText(this.rownames[j], x, y);                
                ctx.fillText(this.rownames[j], x, y);                
        // Axis labels
        if (showAxes)
        for(let i=0;i<this.axes.length;i++) {
            let xProj = vecDot(this.proj[0], this.axes[i].unit);
            let yProj = vecDot(this.proj[1], this.axes[i].unit);
            if (this.axes[i].color) {
                ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
                ctx.fillStyle = this.axes[i].color;
            } else {
                let r2 = xProj*xProj+yProj*yProj;
                let alpha = (i==selectedAxis ? '' : hexByte(r2*2*355));
                ctx.strokeStyle = '#ffffff'+alpha;
                ctx.fillStyle = '#000000'+alpha;
            if (i==selectedAxis) {
                let ticks = d3.scaleLinear()
                    .domain([this.axes[i].center-this.axes[i].scale*axisScale, this.axes[i].center+this.axes[i].scale*axisScale])
                ctx.font = `12px sans-serif`;
                for(let value of ticks) {
                    let scaled = (value-this.axes[i].center)/this.axes[i].scale;
                    ctx.strokeText(`${value}`, this.xScale(scaled*xProj), this.yScale(scaled*yProj));    
                    ctx.fillText(`${value}`, this.xScale(scaled*xProj), this.yScale(scaled*yProj));    
            /*if (selectedAxis != null) {
                let similarity = vecDot(this.axes[i].unit, this.axes[selectedAxis].unit)*0.5+0.5;
                ctx.fillStyle = d3.interpolateViridis(similarity);
                ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff';
            ctx.font = `15px sans-serif`;
            ctx.strokeText(this.axes[i].name, this.xScale(axisScale*xProj), this.yScale(axisScale*yProj));
            ctx.fillText(this.axes[i].name, this.xScale(axisScale*xProj), this.yScale(axisScale*yProj));
        ctx.textAlign = 'left';
        ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
        ctx.font = '15px sans-serif';
        if (!this.mousing)
        for(let i=0,j=0;i<this.levels.length;i++)
        if (levelActive[i]) {
            ctx.fillStyle = this.levelColors[i];
            ctx.fillText(this.levels[i], this.size+10, 11+j*20);
        window.setTimeout(this.scheduleFrame.bind(this), 5);
    compute(realElapsed) {
        let damping =     0.1  *Math.pow(10, this.get('dampInput').value);
        let heat =        0.1  *Math.pow(10, this.get('heatInput').value);
        let guide     =   1.0  *Math.pow(10, this.get('guideInput').value);
        let attraction =  1.0  *Math.pow(10, this.get('labelInput').value);
        let doHeat = this.get('heatCheckbox').checked;
        let whatGuide = this.get('guideSelect').value;
        let doAttraction = this.get('labelCheckbox').checked;

        let levelActive = Array(this.levels.length).fill(true);
        for(let item of this.labelData)
        if (item.type == 'level')
            levelActive[item.level] =;

        // Cut down oscillation during dragging
        if (this.dragging && doAttraction) {
            damping = Math.max(damping, attraction*5.0);
        let elapsed = Math.max(1e-6, Math.min(1, realElapsed));
        this.computeMessage = '';
        let vel = this.vel;
        let proj = this.proj;
        //Integrate dv/dt = -damping * v
        let velKeep = Math.exp(-elapsed*damping);
        matScaleInto(vel, velKeep);

        if (doHeat) {
            // Damping reduces the variance * velKeep^2
            // We need to add velReplaceVar * desired steady state variance of temperature
            // Note the sqrt(2) that appears in the continuous form of the Langevin equation arises from 
            // sqrt(1-velKeep*velKeep) approx= sqrt(2*elapsed*damping) for small elapsed*damping
            let velReplaceVar = 1 - velKeep*velKeep;        
            let noise = times(proj.length, times, this.m,
                jStat.normal.sample, 0, Math.sqrt(heat*velReplaceVar));
            noise = removeSpin(noise, proj);
            matAddInto(vel, noise);

        if (whatGuide != 'none') {
            let activeX = this.X.filter((item,i) => levelActive[[i]]);
            if (activeX.length) {
                let grad = gradTable[whatGuide](proj, activeX);
                matScaleInto(grad, -guide);
                matAddInto(vel, grad);

        if (doAttraction)        
        for(let label of this.labelData) {
            let x = label.x;
            let y = label.y;
            if (x <= -1 || y <= -1 || x >= 1 || y >= 1) continue;
            if (label.type == 'level' && !levelActive[label.level]) continue;
            let adjustment = 4*(x*x+y*y);
            vel[0] = vecAdd(vel[0], vecScale(label.vec, x*adjustment*attraction));
            vel[1] = vecAdd(vel[1], vecScale(label.vec, y*adjustment*attraction));
        // Nuke inactive axes
        // - remove from velocity
        // - gradually remove from position
        let inactive = [ ];
        for(let item of this.labelData)
        if (item.type == 'axis' && !
        let tooMany = inactive.length >= this.m-1;
        let anyDropped = false;
        if (inactive.length && !tooMany) {
            // How fast inactive axes are removed
            let nuke_amount = Math.min(2, 1/elapsed);
            let { u, v, q } = SVDJS.SVD(matTranspose(inactive));
            let maxQ = Math.max(...q);
            u = matTranspose(u);
            for(let i=0;i<u.length;i++) {
                // Don't nuke tiny directions (could arise from reduntant nukings). TODO: make tolerance level an option
                if (q[i] < maxQ*1e-6) {
                    anyDropped = true;
                let vec = u[i];
                for(let j=0;j<2;j++) {
                    vel[j] = vecSub(vel[j], 
                        vecScale(vec, vecDot(vec, vel[j]) + nuke_amount*vecDot(vec, proj[j])))
        if (tooMany) this.computeMessage += 'Error: too many axes removed';
        if (anyDropped) this.computeMessage += 'Note: reduntant axes removed';

        // Velocity step        
        let newProj = matAdd(proj, matScale(vel, elapsed));

        // Project onto Stiefel manifold                
        let { u, v, q } = SVDJS.SVD(matTranspose(newProj));
        matTcrossprodInto(newProj, v, u);
        // "Position based dynamics"
        this.vel = matScale(matAdd(newProj,matScale(proj,-1)), 1/elapsed);
        this.proj = newProj;

return { Langevitour };